Joomla Troubleshooter

Yesterday your Joomla site worked just fine. Today is misbehaving. And you're clueless... Right? Hey, you're not the first one having this experience. You're on the good site where you might find the cure for your problem!


Can't log in with admin, no error messages

This error comes back time-to-time, especially after a Joomla site is moved from one server to another. The symptoms are simple - but frightening. You try to login to the administrator interface as usual, with your well known credentials, and the login box is reloading whitouth any kind of error message and withouth letting you in. No errors in browser console, no error in the logs, and no errors even if you turn the error reporting to maximum or the Joomla debug on. You can try even the tricks described elsewhere in this site to change your admin password - that won't help.

Why? Because the cause(s) - yeah, there can be multiple causes - are different from having bad credentials! Let's see what you can do about!

ATTENTION: these tricks are qualified as core hacks, so be careful: backup, wear your lucky hat, keep your finger crossed - and take any other security measures before you proceed - you can ruin your site easily with a wrong move.


Infinite loop detected in JError

Today I have faced a strange, never seen before error. I have worked on recovering a server with couple of old Joomla sites after a major crash, when one of sites ceased to "fly" again, and showed up nothing else but a white screen with this text:

Infinite loop detected in JError


You Do Not Have Access to the Administrator Section of This Site - Reloaded

After year of using myself the tip You Do Not Have Access to the Administrator Section of This Site successfully today I hit the wall.

I did one more stunt as the ones described above - but didn't helped.

But let's see first the failed hack - because that\s interesting too:


White death screen on category blog page

I was sure that ths is an error wich newer come back to me - was a relatively common one in early 2010-s, since dissappeared from my radar. Today one of my former students approached me with his problem. He took over a site running the latest Joomla, and when tried to change the blog list views to category blog views, as the siteowner requested, the respective pages ended up with a white PHP fatal error death screen.


MAX_JOIN_SIZE problems

Recently in more (usually cheap) hosts more of my clients reported a strange error, wich showed up recently, withouth notice.

The error message is like this:

1104 The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay

followed by the failing query.


Error: Invalid login during Joomla upgrade

Today I had to upgrade an old, Joomla 2.5.7 site to latest Joomla, everything went out fine until I had to do the first critical step - the upgrade from Joomla 2.5.28 to Joomla 3.51. Did I mentioned that server has PHP 5.6.25 withouth possibility to upgrade - at least not on short term?

OK, so, wasn't the best setup condition available, but usually this is not a dealbreaker.

And BUMM, I have seen an old "friend", a popup saying:

ERROR: Invalid login



What to do when you got hacked? Here you can find some advices, tricks and tips on what you can do!

Problems related with upgrading Joomla or components/plugins/modules. What to do and what mistakes to avoid.

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