Crashed article editor
Today one of my clients called me with this problem:
When I click article manager or category manager in order to edit an article or category, I see a page with no textarea, no buttons, no menus
Was a weird call, and proven to be a difficult problem
The wrapper module
One of the most common questions about working with Joomla! is how to embed video in articles. The reason this is a problem is that embedding inherently creates risks because of what might be embedded.
Unresponsive WYSIWYG editor
The WYSIWYG editors are great additions to the Joomla, and we have lots of them around. They make a webmaster from casual user and can speed up the work of pros. But, sometimes, you find that you cannot enter text into the HTML editor, or click on the HTML editor's toolbar buttons - you are locked out of editing your content!
What can be more annoying as being unable to edit your own site?
Weird charactes in the page
Just happens, that after you publish new content, this shows up on your Joomla 1.0 page with weird characters. (The problem was solved for Joomla 1.5+.) The causes, and the cures for it may be many, but sometimes a simple hack can solve your problems.