Joomla Troubleshooter

Yesterday your Joomla site worked just fine. Today is misbehaving. And you're clueless... Right? Hey, you're not the first one having this experience. You're on the good site where you might find the cure for your problem!


The mail function has been temporarily disabled on this site

After upgrade to Joomla 3.2 from previous Joomla 3.* versions you might see the above error message in the backend, or, worse, you simply don't receive any e-mail notifications you usually do. And the site worked just fine before the upgrade!!

If you have registration enabled, or you use the site to interact with your visitors/customers the side effects can be really damaging - nobody gets any mails - and you evend don't see any notice about, until you began to dig for the causes, and, for example, try to send a message for yourself from backend. This potentially can roun your online business or community. Apparently everything is OK, all settings are correct, but the mails are simply not sent.

What's the cause and, more important, how you can fix it?


reCaptcha stopped working

While working on a new site I discovered, that reCaptcha - which used to be a rock solid part of the CMS since Joomla 1.7 - stopped working. Spent couple of hours googling around and checking and double-checking settings, just to discover, that Google, in his infinite wisdom, has changed things again without notice. The problem affects all Joomla versions from 1.7.1 to 3.2.0.



Did you ever get this error on a Joomla 1.7 or 2.5 site? If yes, you probably searched the net and was dazzled by the amount of hits. Today I got this:

About 33,900 results (0.28 seconds)

Menu items keep reordering after migration

Recently - once again - I faced a very annoying problem: after migrating a Joomla site from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 1.7 - and later to Joomla 2.5 - time-to-time the menu ordering switched back to the essentially wrong ordering resulted from migration process. First time I thought I am doing something wrong, and when my client cried about, I reordered a menu again and again. I have to fight with this problem too many times until I found the source of error and an easy fix.


Error: 500 - String could not be parsed as XML

Today I had a big surprise, several of my sites went out of business with the "Error: 500 - String could not be parsed as XML" message. I checked everything, and found no clues what can be happened. the sites weren't hacked, files or database has no signs to being tampered width or being damaged.

And usual bug-hunting tactics as unpublishing modules for example revealed also nothing.


1&1 SEF URL's problem reloaded

A while ago I already posted an article about problems getting SEF URL's work on 1&1-s servers and thought I know how to deal with the idiosyncrasies of 1&1's (very unprofessional) server settings. I was wrong...


What to do when you got hacked? Here you can find some advices, tricks and tips on what you can do!

Problems related with upgrading Joomla or components/plugins/modules. What to do and what mistakes to avoid.