• Error: Invalid login during Joomla upgrade

    Today I had to upgrade an old, Joomla 2.5.7 site to latest Joomla, everything went out fine until I had to do the first critical step - the upgrade from Joomla 2.5.28 to Joomla 3.51. Did I mentioned that server has PHP 5.6.25 withouth possibility to upgrade - at least not on short term?

    OK, so, wasn't the best setup condition available, but usually this is not a dealbreaker.

    And BUMM, I have seen an old "friend", a popup saying:

    ERROR: Invalid login


  • Formatted fields in language translation strings

    Sometimes it is necessary to include specially formatted fields within a string to be translated. This usually happens where numbers are involved but can occur for dates and times or when precise formatting instructions are required.

  • How to "Patch Test" Joomla! code : Sample issue testing.

  • How to "Patch Test" Joomla! code : Introduction

  • How to change / set the Joomla template programmatically from within a Joomla 1.5+ component

    Yup, this might be an interesting feature, but how easy or hard is to implement?

  • How to override the output from the Joomla core

    There may be occasions where you would like to change the way a Joomla! Extension (such as a Component or Module, whether from the Joomla! core or produced by a third party) is displayed on your site. Of course, you could recode the Extension from scratch, but that may be a bit ambitious for you! Thankfully, there is another way.

  • How to reuse Joomla 1.0 Templates

    Do you have a huge collection of nice Joomla 1.0 templates, and dunno what to do with them? Let's go green and reuse themWink!

  • How to reuse Joomla 1.5 Templates?

    This seems to be an ever returning question in Joomla world, you might already read the first part of the sequel: How to reuse Joomla 1.0 templates?. So, let's go one step further, and let's see how we can easily reuse those nice Joomla 1.5 templates in the post-Joomla 1.7 world (more specifically under Joomla 2.5). Don't expect a fully covering guide on how to convert Joomla 1.5 template to Joomla 2.5 template, but instead a detailed description on what I usually do - less theory, more practical knowledge.

  • How to setup properly a 404 error page using Joomla 1.7+ and sh404SEF

    You might think, that this is an easy job, you just set up sh404SEF, and you're done! Maybe... but sometimes this might be really wrong. Especially if you have a multilingual site, and a properly built Joomla 1.7+ template.

  • How to turn your error reporting level to maximum?

    Anyone who maintained/developed something with or for Joomla, or needed to troubleshoot something on a misbehaving Joomla site knows the feeling: something does not working, and the available error messages aren't showing enough information to help you track down the root of the issue.

    Any extra bit of info can help, so here is a tip for Joomla 1.7 which might help you got that.

  • I want the print and email icons back as in previous Joomla!

    A client called me one of these days with this request. He told me, that what was once a simple one click action to print, email or edit an article in frontend in Joomla 1.5 has became an uncomfortable, two click  process, which in some devices proved to be increasingly difficult. After a bit of digging around I found for him an easy to implement template override which make him happy.

  • Insert a plugin (or a module) anywhere

    You might need to use a plugin's output in a component, or to insert a module in a page outputted by an arbitrary component. I mean ANY plugin which has it's own output in ANY Joomla component you like.

    I know, there are couple of ready-made solutions, but all of these are specific to a given component(s) and some components have their own plugins to do that.

  • Joomla 1.0 and PHP 5.3

    I was totally forgot about this problem - until this morning, when I found in my mailbox a request to save someone's old Joomla 1.0 based site from disaster. I was thinking, that until now all servers where upgraded to PHP 5.3 and all Joomla 1.0 sites upgraded - or at least patched to work with the new PHP.

  • Joomla and Windows file permissions

    As I said elsewhere on the site one of key issues of running Joomla on a Windows server is to understand and apply correctly the Windows files and folders permissioning system to your Joomla install. Instead of writing my own compilation of how-tos, I reproduce here the excellent tutorial written by Russell Winter on the Joomla tutorials site. All kudos are going to him!

    For those of you that are either developing or delivering your Joomla! Web-Sites from the Windows environment, it is sometimes difficult to obtain relevant information regarding permissions. Unfortunately, it is a fact that most Web-Serving is offered under Unix and that Unix is pretty well documented within this environment. Hopefully the following information will go some way to clearing up any confusion and provide a little guidance.

  • K2 - Error decoding JSON data

    After updating K2 to version 3.6.3, in the backend, when tried to edit one of items, I got this error:

    Error decoding JSON data: Syntax error.

  • Lost admin password - reloaded

    Did you manage to lost your password? Worst, maybe you lost the Super Administrator password? And for some reason you can't use the retrieve lost password functionality of Joomla...  If you use Joomla, if you forget your password you could just simply click on the "Forgot password" menu, and the new password will be sent to your email address. But what if you can't remember the exact e-mail address, or you have a local, development version and did not have the mailer handy... or your Internet connection is down? Or, worse - happened to me couple of times - you need to overtake a site originally developed by someone else?

  • Making templates translateable

    Joomla is a truly international application and supports the translation of all strings contained within it. Templates are no exception on this. They are a bit neglected, but a little extra time spent here will ensure that the strings used in your templates are translatable will pay back - and will give you an edge over your competitors.

  • Module Chrome - an evolving concept

    Styling the output of the Joomla was - and is - one of greatest challenges. One of tools making this easier for template developers is the "module chrome" concept/toolset introduced with Joomla 1.0 and constantly evolving ever since.

  • Module Layout Overrides

    The best way to create individual look of your Joomla website, since Joomla 1.5 is to create module overrides. These are special files, placed in your template's directory, used to override the output of your existing modules.

  • More PHP code snippets to be used in your template

    In a previous article about useful  PHP code snippets to conditionally add things to your template I allready listed couple of tricks, let's add a couple more to them!