Joomla 1.5 and newer versions have full https support without any hacks being necessary. But what you can do if you want to run your Joomla 1.0 site over https for some reason? Upgrade it! ... Easy to say, I am managing even Mambo based sites, running rock solid and doing the job they have built for, so this might be out of question. Bud don't despair, You can do it! You must hack here and there...
The risk is yours! We offer no guarantees, just tips! Hacking Joomla!
No, don't expect how-to's on black-hat hacking into a Joomla site - there we are providing how to modify the Joomla core and addons to get most out of it. This category is intended to be used by the white-hat hackers, Joomla siteowners who want to get out more from the system they have.
This tip is only for Joomla 1.0! For newer versions the handling of bandwidth is more cleverly solved, so read on only if you still use Joomla 1.0.
Did you manage to lost your password? Worst, maybe you lost the Super Administrator password? And for some reason you can't use the retrieve lost password functionality of Joomla... If you use Joomla, if you forget your password you could just simply click on the "Forgot password" menu, and the new password will be sent to your email address. But what if you can't remember the exact e-mail address, or you have a local, development version and did not have the mailer handy... or your Internet connection is down? Or, worse - happened to me couple of times - you need to overtake a site originally developed by someone else?
If you run a Joomla site where you want the new content items by default to be published on the frontpage, you're out of luck, this is something Joomla don't let you set in some config file. In the normal Joomla work-flow the Publisher (or someone ranked higher) will decide/need to decide if and when put a given content item in the frontpage. You may need this (or you're bored already needing to go back again and again in editing mode just to click on that select box...).
Did you received complaints from your AOL users that they have problems using your Joomla powered site? Did you read in Joomla forums that other users and administrators have the same problem, namely that the last few 1.0.x releases of Joomla do not properly support AOL users?
I did, and searched the web for some solution. This way I had came across the Eric's blog, where I found the following hack, which worked for me.
Just happens, that after you publish new content, this shows up on your Joomla 1.0 page with weird characters. (The problem was solved for Joomla 1.5+.) The causes, and the cures for it may be many, but sometimes a simple hack can solve your problems.
- How to change / set the Joomla template programmatically from within a Joomla 1.5+ component
- Insert a plugin (or a module) anywhere
- VirtueMart invoice overrides don't working?
- Bypass the VirtueMart's built in currency converter
- Use plugins, show modules anywhere in a VirtueMart page
- Add more, than one e-mail address to the Virtuemart store - and send mails to all of them
- Virtuemart PayPal old API problem - shipping not transferred to PayPal
- Create an user group for users who can not put products in cart
- Multi-currency store: wrong currency on PayPal checkout
- Special quantity options for a VirtueMart Shopper Group
Hacking the core Article Count: 12
Don't do this! We are not recommending doing ANY hacks in Joomla! core! You will compromise both upgradeability of your site - and potentially your security. But sometimes you are facing a situation when you need to do this... and then you can look up for a potential solution here. Use these tips only on your own risk - there are no guarantees!
Component hacks Article Count: 18
Hacking the main add-ons, the components running under Joomla! to add new features, functionalities, to enhance or even to fix them
Template trickery Article Count: 26
Template is an essential part of a Joomla site. It's not only simple HTML/CSS/PHP/JS wich let's you show your content, it's a genuine shell with endless of possibilities for success - and failure. There are defined not only how your site will look like for your human visitors, but also for searchengines too. So it's your primary tool in your SEO efforts.
And also it's first line of your defence too. Lots of security holes can be opened with a badly written template! And also, don't forget, that might be the biggest resource hog - so the first place to optimize your site's performance.
More: has a tremendous amount of power built in. You should unleash that, and master it.
Dictionary Article Count: 20
You might heard lot of weird expressions and acronyms when is coming about hacking. What XSS, LFI and all these things are meaning? You can find'em here!
Module crafting Article Count: 2
The module you just installed does not works exactly as you need it? Dont be lazy or shy, do some crafting, bricolage, whatewer you like - and are qualifyed for! DIY - Joomla style.