The Smart Search core extension
Being disabled by default, this very powerful new core component shipped with Joomla 2.5 remains unnoticed by many Joomla site owners. It's time to began to use it and unleash the power hidden here.
The wrapper module
One of the most common questions about working with Joomla! is how to embed video in articles. The reason this is a problem is that embedding inherently creates risks because of what might be embedded.
Use plugins, show modules anywhere in a VirtueMart page
It's a know fact between VirtueMart insiders, that you can use Joomla plugins in the product descriptions. For that you need to enable this by clicking a checkbox in VirtueMart's main configuration (VirtueMart Admin > Configuration > Global tab > Enable content mambots/plugins in descriptions? checkbox.)
But what if you want to use plugins elsewhere, in other spots of the VirtueMart pages? For example in some other spot of the product details page - let's say to insert an availability calendar module under the main product image?
Right, you can do it with a little code hack! Let's make our hands dirty with some PHP then!
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