Would be nice to have the contact images in the contact Category table, don't you? Yea, and in fact is a relatively simple trick, since Joomla 1.5 and the template overrides being handy!
The risk is yours! We offer no guarantees, just tips! Hacking Joomla!
No, don't expect how-to's on black-hat hacking into a Joomla site - there we are providing how to modify the Joomla core and addons to get most out of it. This category is intended to be used by the white-hat hackers, Joomla siteowners who want to get out more from the system they have.
In a previous article about useful PHP code snippets to conditionally add things to your template I allready listed couple of tricks, let's add a couple more to them!
There are endless possibilities to made tricks with your template using a little bit of PHP code. Let me show you another one!
Websites can include a small image called a Favicon that appears in your web browser generally on the left of URL field and also in the bookmarks to help visually identify a site. Many are saying that is among the few real good things coming from Redmond, since the Favicon was introduced with IE3, and initially supported only by Microsoft's browsers. But now the support for Favicons became widespread and is one of differentiating factors of a website, essential part of the general look/corporate identity.
The Apple iPad is the buzzword of the day, and probably will stay on the top of many people's wishlist on the top - or near to the top. The iPhone's big brother arrived in early 2010, and Apple has sold a huge number of devices already. The iPad is a success, and as a mobile device for consuming information it's really great.
So how does this relate to your reality as a Joomla developer? In short: You need to make sure that your Joomla website works on the iPad. And not just that it works. It should be a delight surfing your website on the iPad. On a previous tip I touched already the subject, here are more tips on how you can build an iPad-friendly Joomla site.
This seems to be an ever returning question in Joomla world, you might already read the first part of the sequel: How to reuse Joomla 1.0 templates?. So, let's go one step further, and let's see how we can easily reuse those nice Joomla 1.5 templates in the post-Joomla 1.7 world (more specifically under Joomla 2.5). Don't expect a fully covering guide on how to convert Joomla 1.5 template to Joomla 2.5 template, but instead a detailed description on what I usually do - less theory, more practical knowledge.
- How to remove the Joomla generator tag - reloaded
- A hidden gem - the Modal script shipped with Joomla
- iPad and iPhone - how to design a Joomla site for them
- Customize your page using CSS tricks based on active menu alias
- PHP code snippets to conditionally add things to your template
- Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated - reloaded
- Style your tooltips
- Component Output Types and Layout Overrides
- Pagination Links Overrides
- Module Layout Overrides
Hacking the core Article Count: 12
Don't do this! We are not recommending doing ANY hacks in Joomla! core! You will compromise both upgradeability of your site - and potentially your security. But sometimes you are facing a situation when you need to do this... and then you can look up for a potential solution here. Use these tips only on your own risk - there are no guarantees!
Component hacks Article Count: 18
Hacking the main add-ons, the components running under Joomla! to add new features, functionalities, to enhance or even to fix them
Template trickery Article Count: 26
Template is an essential part of a Joomla site. It's not only simple HTML/CSS/PHP/JS wich let's you show your content, it's a genuine shell with endless of possibilities for success - and failure. There are defined not only how your site will look like for your human visitors, but also for searchengines too. So it's your primary tool in your SEO efforts.
And also it's first line of your defence too. Lots of security holes can be opened with a badly written template! And also, don't forget, that might be the biggest resource hog - so the first place to optimize your site's performance.
More: has a tremendous amount of power built in. You should unleash that, and master it.
Dictionary Article Count: 20
You might heard lot of weird expressions and acronyms when is coming about hacking. What XSS, LFI and all these things are meaning? You can find'em here!
Module crafting Article Count: 2
The module you just installed does not works exactly as you need it? Dont be lazy or shy, do some crafting, bricolage, whatewer you like - and are qualifyed for! DIY - Joomla style.