The risk is yours! We offer no guarantees, just tips! Hacking Joomla!

No, don't expect how-to's on black-hat hacking into a Joomla site - there we are providing how to modify the Joomla core and addons to get most out of it. This category is intended to be used by the white-hat hackers, Joomla siteowners who want to get out more from the system they have.


Virtuemart PayPal old API problem - shipping not transferred to PayPal

I am angry on Easter bunny. Really... He delivered to me a nasty surprise: lots of my customers complained during/after Easter weekend, that their shops, sometimes the Easter's week began to malfunction: the users using PayPal as payment gateway aren't charged correctly. After studying the problem, I found, that is happening on shops running versions of VirtueMart 1.1.3 to 1.1.9, charging shipping to customers and using the old PayPal API to communicate with the gateway. More precisely, the sipping net amount was not transferred, the shipping tax was sent correctly.

Then, by searching for "virtuemart shipping not transferred to paypal" I discovered, that I am not alone: there where some 54k+ search results returned!


Create an user group for users who can not put products in cart

What? A shopping cart with users which can't actually shop?

Weird or not, that was a recent request from one of my customers. He wanted to have a quick way to prevent some of his users from putting products in cart, but leave all other site functionality intact.


Multi-currency store: wrong currency on PayPal checkout

VirtueMart is great when you want to set up a store which works with multiple currencies. You can set up your own prices for each currencies in your shop, or you can use one of available currency converters. The core functionality supports the use of European Central Bank's live currency rates, but there are plugins supporting other rates too.

But you can run into trouble where you'd expect to not have any surprises: on PayPal checkout page.


Special quantity options for a VirtueMart Shopper Group

A seemingly simple question caused serious headaches in past weeks. One of my clients who has an already seriously cross-hacked VirtueMart shop (SkinRich) asked me to make it possible, that a specific shopper group she had, the Distributors, namely, to be able to order products only in six-packs, making warehouse people's life much easier, and costs lower. The other users should have the default quantity options.

After thinking a lot about how to solve the problem, I came out with a 4 line simple hack, which works perfectly for me.


Virtuemart Shopper Group discount problem

The VirtueMart forums are full of complaints like:

When a shopper from my wholesale group (50% off) opens the product page it shows the parent products discounted price as the price of each child. Any help would be appreciated.

So, here's the much awaited fix!


VirtueMart's SMTP problems

More and more users are switching to Google Mail, Hotmail and other free mail services these days. It's a great move... unless you have VirtueMart and your Joomla is set to send your mails through SMTP. You may easily end seeing something like:

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to

The mails from other Joomla apps are sent, just the VirtueMart is behaving badly. Weird thing is, that you can see in the main Joomla config the mailer set up properly, and the port to be used is 465, as required for Google Mail, but as you can see the error message indicates that VirtueMart tries to use port 25! The problem is that VirtueMart has a code flaw, when sending mails through SMTP the port 25 is hardcoded, and isn't inherited from main Joomla configuration file.

The fix is relatively easy, but you must get your hands dirty with some PHP code.


Don't do this! We are not recommending doing ANY hacks in Joomla! core! You will compromise both upgradeability of your site - and potentially your security. But sometimes you are facing a situation when you need to do this... and then you can look up for a potential solution here. Use these tips only on your own risk - there are no guarantees!

Hacking the main add-ons, the components running under Joomla! to add new features, functionalities, to enhance or even to fix them

Template is an essential part of a Joomla site. It's not only simple HTML/CSS/PHP/JS wich let's you show your content, it's a genuine shell with endless of possibilities for success - and failure. There are defined not only how your site will look like for your human visitors, but also for searchengines too. So it's your primary tool in your SEO efforts.

And also it's first line of your defence too. Lots of security holes can be opened with a badly written template! And also, don't forget, that might be the biggest resource hog - so the first place to optimize your site's performance.

More: has a tremendous amount of power built in. You should unleash that, and master it.

Προώθηση ιστοσελίδων

You might heard lot of weird expressions and acronyms when is coming about hacking. What XSS, LFI and all these things are meaning? You can find'em here!

The module you just installed does not works exactly as you need it? Dont be lazy or shy, do some crafting, bricolage, whatewer you like - and are qualifyed for! DIY - Joomla style.

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